Why do parents show favoritism?

Aren't all supposed to be equally loved or givng attention too?


  • I love all of my children equally. Sometimes there is one who needs more attention, and that one changes from time to time. My children also have different personalities...one will come up to me every day and say "I Love You Mom" and give me a hug, others are more reserved. Some want me to be there at their ballgames cheering them on, others seem embarrassed to see me a their school.

    Its funny, but my older children (who have left for college) probably think we favor the younger children who are still at home, because now we have more money to spend on them, and the older kids think they got more toys, trips, and attention. But the younger children think we favor the older children, because we will spend a long time talking to them on cell phones, and are so excited and make the younger kids help clean up when the older ones come home.

    I think it's a matter of perception vs. reality sometimes.

  • I don't really remember my parents showing favortism when I was a kid growing up other than it seeming that my sister got to do more cuz she was older and my parents learned from their mistakes with her and were stricter with me and my younger brother getting to do things more often that were considered "boy" things like fishing, camping etc. As we became adults though my mother favored me more because we had a close relationship. My father was an alcoholic, abusive psychopath who pitted my sister and mom against each other without their knowledge thus putting a wedge between them that has never been removed so they don't have as good a relationship. My brother was always in trouble of one kind or another, usually alcohol related, and caused my mom heartache. Since I was the good one and doted on her so much we just have a better relationship. So she didn't give me more attention because she loved me more, but because of the stronger bond we had with each other.

  • U men R a distance aside so as of delivery, which will have something to do with what is going at here. definite, it would desire to be genuine that they are being too gentle on her, yet there is not plenty U can do approximately it. U R sufficiently old to be interested in various issues than your sister, and stay in a distinctive international. Be happy that they replaced your cellular telephone. If the toddler does something like this back, i'd protest loud and long. additionally shop your stuff out of her attain. possibly a tiny ineffective bolt on your mattress room door up intense the place she would have the ability to't attain, mutually as U R long previous?

  • I tried not too.But I'm told sometimes that I did as far as my son goes.I guess it's because he's my first born,and only son.Also i was a single parent.I feel much closer to him compared to my 2 girls.They're personalities play a big roll too.I love all my children,and will do anything I can for them .But being they are adults I have to let them fail sometimes so they can achieve a better life understanding( and a lesson).my daughters think I spoiled my son,and I agree somewhat.But alot of it was that boys need different upbringing in certain areas.My girls didn't understand this for a long time,but now that they are raising sons of their own they understand alittle more.

  • I think you percieve it as favoritism but it isn't really.

    For example i always feel that my parents favor my older brother because he's doing really well for himself and they do whatever he asks.

    But my brother's convinced they favor me because i'm youngest and they give me a lot of attention.

    However sometimes there actually si favoritism, for different reasons, like parents might favor one child over another because he/she is more talented, or the other way around pay more attention to the less talented kid because they don't want him/her to feel useless in comparison to siblings sucess

  • Yes, they are supposed to love their children equally, but it is out of their control. They can't help it... It's just human nature to love someone more than the other.. I bet you don't love your siblings equally, do u? I don't love my friends equally too... Our hearts are always attached to someone more than the other even slightly... that's just how it goes; we have nothing to do about it or control it.. just try not to show it.

  • im not an only child

    but my dad seems to pay attention to me more than my sister

    it makes me feel bad

    he should give us equal attention & love

  • I guess we'll never know until we're parents. I think it has something to do with the first born.

  • I know how you feel.. it happens with myparents to.. it sucks.. but oh well you just gotta hang on and make some friends that you can hang around with cause you will just be alone and it sucks to be alone some times.. dont worry you have me : - )

  • you might see it as favoritism but that might notice that you brother or sister need them more then you do.. that you are more capable of taking care of your self trust me i know<-

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