True or false --"Fear arises from ignorance, Knowledge is power."?

because Here (in this world), there is nothing as pure(sublime) as knowledge.


  • It can be argued on both ways as True & False also.

    In may cases Ignorance is Bliss. There is no fear because of Ignorance.

    A person undergoing a major surgery, if knows all the risks involved in the treatment procedure and also the intensity of ailment, he will fear more. On the other hand if the person is ignorant about these and simply believe that doctor will cure, he will have peace and will be confident too.

    Similarly in some other cases, if one has full knowledge where his control is there, he will not fear as he will be confident of the way in which the problem to be tackled. But if one has to depend on others as he has no knowledge, he will doubt others capability and unnecessarily fear.

  • False.

    Fear arises from knowledge. Power is the ability to manipulate another persons fears.

    An ignorant person is unaware of the dangers that an event or object may hold.

    Eg. an ignorant person is likely to encourage war and more likely participate in hope of seeing the world or making the place but in reality are just a pawn, exposing themselves to horrid things that a person with more knowledge fears and avoids.

    Knowledge is useless without the ability to use it. Knowledge is not seeked without reason, if there is fear within society eg. of the dangers of global warming or something like that then the knowledge is useless.

  • Knowledge is power, but fear can arise from knowledge too. Example. Fear of jumping off a 1000 foot cliff without a parachute. That's a reasonable fear from the knowledge that you will most likely die if you jump of that 1000 foot cliff. So it is false to say that all fear arises from ignorance. Sure it's true that some fear arises from ignorance.

  • Nowadays, the more knowledge more fear. Ignorant persons have no fears. (For example in a flight, knowledgeable person about airplane is more in fear during turbulances/emergency, than ignorant person who has no knowledge of it. - There are many similar examples)

  • no, disagree, not ALWAYS true... people can be fearful of things they KNOW just as much as from things they are ignorant about.... performers get stage fright fear, and that isn't from ignorance. phobias aren't based on ignorance either. i am all for knowledge, information and wisdom, but it doesn't eradicate or eliminate fear... some fears are necessary, justified and appropriate

  • Fear, unless based in ignorance, is knowledge. Yes, knowledge is power, but so is organized crime. Knowledge can be used for good or evil.

  • False fear is not ignorance but knowledge is power in one self

  • What a bunch of nonsense! Quite often people have no fear because they don't know enough to be afraid. And knowledge is not power. That is just a cliche that people use to sound like they know something when they don't.

    Find something else, something more in touch with reality.

  • False. Fear is an emotion; which I would stand up against knowledge any day for 'purity'. They both can be tainted...or clean, depending on what is understood. And they both can be grossly misunderstood as well. Confused emotional states or misinformation can be similar things.

  • Fear and ignorance are in concert with each other. IE: bigotry. Ignorance gives rise to bigotry. Bigotry give rise to fear. Which then becomes a vicious self perpetuating cycle.

    Fear breeds more ignorance, which then breeds more bigotry, and so on. And the only way to break that cycle is truth (A form of knowledge) which breeds understanding in combination with compassion. Giving validity to "There is no knowledge that is not power." That power gives the ability to break the cycle of bigotry.

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