Why do Australians pronounce "good" like "gooohd"?

With a very rounded 'OO' sound. Sort of like the Russians and the Germans.

"Ya, das goood"


  • Because we find rounded "oo" sounds to be sexually exciting.

    Thanks for all the "best answers" by the way Jan, I like the points.

  • The same reason that people from the U.S. have accents in the northeast - southeast - southwest and northwest! We all talk differently. Just the way it works.

  • I'm surprised you have ever heard the word. Mostly you would only hear abuse from Australians because of your fatuous questions. Unless it was in the phrase "good riddance".

  • I thought they pronounced "oo" it like "ew". School = Schoo-ewl. Pool = Poo-ewl. But that might just be when there is a "-ool" word.

  • Funny you should mention it, as I also wonder about things like this. For example, why do many pronounce 'Doris' as 'd*ckhead'?

  • Well I'm australian and I'm fairly sure that I don't pronounce it like that

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