Do you throw away your mascaras every 3 months?

I recently purchased the benefit they're real mascara to use for occasions. I don't wear mascara daily but I do have quite a few in my collection. Why should I throw them away every 3 months? That's like tossing your money in the bin especially because they're expensive.

If I got an eye infection then I would obviously stop using it but I will not throw them away every 3 months. Maybe something like 8 months.

Do you throw away your mascara every 3 months?


  • I didn't use to because I rarely wore mascara but now that I wear mascara every day, I do. Mascara isn't like powder eye shadow or foundation. Powder lasts longer because it's difficult for bacteria to reproduce in a dry compact and liquid foundation can be used for a year because skin is a good barrier to bacteria. Mascara is a wet product that you put near a place that is susceptible to infection. If you have so much mascara that you would be throwing away money if you threw it out when you're supposed to, then you have too much mascara. Just like if you bought a ton of fruit because you like it, but couldn't eat it all in less than a month, you should throw it out. Would you eat moldy strawberries or black bananas because you bought too much and don't want to waste money, even knowing it could make you sick? Same concept with mascara.

  • I'm the bad girl here. I don't throw away my tubes until they are empty. I've never had any problems.

    I've worn mascara for longer than some of you girls have been alive. (I'm 38). Personally, I think we

    take personal safety to ridiculous extremes these days. When there is an epidemic of emergency room

    visit due to "infected" mascara I will change my habits.

  • I try to use it up; but if it's getting gunky, I toss it and get a new one. I had to toss an Avon one that I only used a few times, because it was so dreadful. Frankly, I think you can use it for at least six months and up to a year, if you don't ever store it in a hot car or similar place where it can get gunked up. And, we all know we should NOT be lending mascara to others, because of the risk of infection.

  • I use it until it's gone. Sometimes it'll dry up but I've read you can also add a few drops of saline eye drops and it prolongs it from drying. I think they say that just so you think you have to buy more therefore spend more money. It may not go on as smooth as when it was new and might flake a little more but I still use it!

  • I don't throw away my mascara after 3 moths it's a waste of money.

  • No, I don't use it often enough. I use it maybe 6-8 times in 3 months.

  • i don't really wear mascara, but i've had mine for more than a year and i didn't toss it yet

    i'd rather buy a travel size of high end mascaras instead of full size since the lifespan isn't that long anyway

  • Throw away mascaras after 6-8 months because they will start to get clumpy and bacteria will get in them

  • I do not throw it away until the product goes bad, not every three months. It is pricey to replace your mascara every three months.

  • No way, I've had mine for years and they look and work perfectly.

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