is pervert a swear word?


  • While "pervert" is not deemed a swear word, it is not kind to say and is not a mannerly word to use. Good question; hope this helps!

  • an fairly deep question. In my lifestyle the swear words are continuously genitalia and copulation correct, and some animals, and we continuously believe they have some thing do to with the way we glance at sex, and the psychology in the back of that is we imagine sex is sacrilegious; yet fact learn, how did they ended as a lot as have those meanings are troublesome for as a lot as date consumers to ensure out. In English is a lot a similar way. perhaps you should search for the inspiration of the words and word how they adjustments with the help of the history. Are you planning on writing a thesis in this? perhaps properly worth a PhD.

  • It's not considered a swear word.

  • Maybe not a swear word, but definitely slander!

    Merry Christmas!

  • no its not a swear word, but it just isn't a nice word to say, espically with all the events that happen in todays society.

  • Absolutely not. Origin: 1300–50; (v.) ME perverten < L pervertere to overturn, subvert, equiv. to per- per- + vertere to turn; (n.) n. use of obs. pervert perverted

  • Insulting to some accurate to others....swear work...nope!

  • No, but the word is inappropriate in most situations.

  • In my culture it is not. I sure hope it doesn't become one in other parts of the world though.

  • No. It's just a plain old word.

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