Do opposites attract?

I know ugly and beautiful people don't attract but is it possible.I saw this girl on youtube (copy and paste)

she is on the bottom right corner at 1:55.

She is out of my league but you only live one and I might as well give it a try. What advice can you give me.


  • Often it seems so, but if it is an opposite philosophy, it may eventually bring strife.

  • All this time I thought the opposite attraction meant personality.

    Yes, ugly and beautiful people match up more often than you think.

  • Beleive it or not, but some ppl are not that shallow and only concerned about ones looks. We all have the ability to become more attractive by how we act. It's not an old cliche but its' true, that whole beauty is in the inside thing.

    And that girl is no super model trust me. stop putting the pus*y on a pedistool.

  • Beauty fades, but dumb is forever.

    girls when they mature stop looking for pretty pictures on the wall. They want someone kind and caring. Pretty, handsome, whatever becomes ugly if tarnished by a shallow attitude. Also plain, can become beautiful if given the chance to bloom.Ahhhh wasn't that mushy. True though.

  • I know that girl. And she just broke up with her boyfriend. So she's available. And ready to boogie. Give her a call!

  • I do believe that opposites attract when they are younger. For 'new' older couples who are dating, I believe they get together because they have a lot in common.

    I say go for it as life is short and might possibly have a favorable response.

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