How do ask my hairdresser I want " punkish " Hair.?

How should I describe it?

I would really like to have "punk/emo" hair

( ugh I hate labels but you aha )

I don't know what else to call it other then Punk hair I guess.

Thank you


  • hmm, i would suggest just taking a photo of a style you want.

    Like when i whent with my guy friend, i told the lady he needed emo hair :D and she just looked at me like i wasa freak lool.

    I suppose that sorta hair would be short, or loadsa layers and choppy/edgy. And like a full fringe or side? but a photo would be better, even if its kinda like the hair you want, just talk about it a bit before :)

  • Yeah a photo like everyone is saying. Also, just say you want punk hair. Nothing wrong with that. Explain that you hate lables too. Good luck xxx

  • Describe it to the hairdresser just like that. Or, if you want something specific, print out a photo to show the hairdresser and tell them you would like it to be like the photo.

  • im guessing ur very shy to ask your hairdresser. You should try saying to him that you want something like pink or red in your hair or show him a pic.

  • Who cares what your hairdresser thinks.. they're the form specialists.. they're payed to comprehend precisely what 'scene' vogue is. Even extra advantageous pass to a hairdresser this is 'scene'. Im specific your hairdresser has heard that request many, many cases in the previous. in basic terms ask her/him. no could desire to be embarrassed.. in basic terms ask for precisely what you prefer. As to your mom.. properly, its your hair isnt it? in basic terms tell her which you gets a favorite haircut. she would manage to comprehend.

  • You could get a pic of the hairstyle you want (or something similar)

    Then you don't have to describe it you can just show them!

  • I would show them a photo of someone with a hairstyle like the one you want.

    That's what I did.

  • bring a pic. a good hair dresses knows how to do anything. i love your pick btw mcr is so awesome.

  • all you have to do is find a picture on line, and show her the photograph so she can give you the exact cut you want.

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