Do Aliens exist? Please don't ask why.?

Well I'm getting a little suspicious,Because I'm always thinking we're not the only ones in the galaxy.


  • Yes, Alien bacteria has been discovered on Mars and in Meteorites in both living and fossilized form.

    If alien bacteria has been discovered, than I am sure there's intelligent life out there.

  • we're not the only one in the universe. It's all a matter of when, if ever we'll we meet other aliens before end of the earth. As of right now, it is so hard to to go to other planets. Our technology is still inefficient to conduct trips outside solar system. Maybe we won't be able to know even in our lifetime, but I also wish we can finally prove that we are not alone.

    Also, I recommend you watch alien planet (full movie on youtube, about 1 hour, you will wish it was 2 hours for being fun to watch). It's a docufiction about finding a planet teeming with alien life. very unique aliens, very interesting creatures. Makes me really wish we can study them.

  • It is absolutely safe to assume so, regardless if we have physical proof or not. Just think, our sun is one star of 100-400 billion stars in a galaxy, a galaxy is just one of over 100 billion galaxies in the universe as we know it. I think it is pretty ignorant to think that we are the only intelligent life, since even if it is a 1 in 100 billion chance for intelligent life to develop in a solar system, that leaves us with over 100 billion potential forms of intelligent life out there somewhere.

  • It seems probable even if the answer is unknown at this time. Think about this: we evolved here, so why could not an evolution produce life elsewhere? It was once thought there were no other planets beyond the solar system - that is being disproved as we speak.

  • Well I will tell you what I tell everyone.

    Despite lack of physical prove of extraterrestrial life it is actually quite plausible to exist. Complex organic molecules necessary for life may have formed in the protoplanetary disk of dust grains surrounding the Sun before the formation of the Earth based on computer model studies.

  • I think there is some kind of life on another planet, somewhere. I am talking from as low down as microscopic organisms and germs living in some martian puddle, not just intelligent multi-celled organisms.

    Nothing is impossible, just highly improbable.

  • my point exactly. this place is too big for us to be the only intelligence out there. maybe there are other people like us out there, not crazy aliens per say; but another world like ours.

  • Maybe.


    But not definitely.

    If they do exist then none are in contact with us or visiting Earth.

  • although there is no proof that aliens exist for us to be the only intellegent race of beings in the universe would be an awful waste of space

  • Of course were not the only ones, it's crazy to think that we're the only beings out there. There has to be something out there, who knows maybe their watching us.

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