is obama a democrat or republican?

government question and why is he that?

and also what is george bush and hillary clinton


and why are they so



  • He is a Democrat.

    But he doesn't think that compromise is a dirty word so he reaches across the aisle to try and work with the Republicans.

  • Barack Obama is a Democrat. So is Hillary Clinton. They ran against each other in 2008 for the Democratic Party's nomination.

    Obama is a Democrat because he favors "economic fairness," meaning government regulation of the economy. He also is generally favorable of gay rights and "a woman's right to choose" to have an abortion.

    Both George HW Bush and George W. Bush are Republicans. They generally do not support government regulation -- though they do support many subsidies. They are generally for "traditional values," like that marriage should be between "one man and one woman," and that "the rights of the unborn" should be defended.

  • He's a democrat.....wayyyyyy left democrat. Don't listen to comments that basically say, "he's a democrat meaning he wants everybody happy, and not a republican which are only for rich people." that's complete horse crap. I would define it as he's a democrat, meaning that he is for a strong government making decisions for the people based on a collective idea, whereas, republicans are for a smaller government and more individual control over their private property. Its not like republicans don't want to help poor people. They want to control how they give money, not have the government just take it and decide how to spend it for them.

  • Obama- Democrat

    Bush- Republican

    Clinton- Democrat

    Obama is a democrat because he believes in the distribution of wealth. He believes that everyone should live a happy lifestyle no matter how much work they put into it or how much they contribute to the economy. He believes that you should be rewarded for not working and by taking money from the taxpayer to pay for your existence. it truly is a shame.

  • Hes a pretend democrat but favors republican ideas and BS . hes a turncoat .

  • Technically he is a Democrat. But he is a 1950's style Republican in the way he operates.

  • I always thought that he was an afro-American.

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