We advance pretty fast as a species don't we?

Just the fact that within the last 200 years we have given people of color and women universal suffrage, ended the the policy of slavery changed the borders of Europe almost eliminating monarch rule and the world being a more democratic place, heavily embraced human rights and that's just sociopolitical think about all the economic and technology advances we have made 20 years ago -whats the internet?-

Humanities future is always bright.


  • "Humanities future is always bright." Not always, and no we don't.

    For thing, history doesn't move in a straight line, but skips around and sometimes goes backward. Compare cuba before/after Castro, or South Africa and dictators. Or how we lost for a time the ability to create plumbing systems like Rome or one Hindu Indian civilisation did.

    We do not advance slowly. If one is a creationist, or species is still slow, having a fast start with language and building. But then we spent most of the last 7,000 years without much advancement in any way. Most of the advancement had been in the last 300-500 years, scientifically, economically, culturally, etc. We began with modest scientific advances before the rest. And that's the best case scenario!

    In truth, modern man had been here for abooouut 200,000 years, with some evidence of it being maybe twice that. There was a near extinction event 70,000-100,000 years ago, maybe two. It devastated mankind and we almost bought the farm, so most of our advancement is really from then, in terms of mutations and ethnic diversity. What I read implied that before then, large numbers of humanity had never left Africa and did not do so until after the near-extinction.

    So it took a bare minimum of 50,000 years to develop farming and civilisation, to move away from hunter-gatherer/cavemen lifestyles. We've spent virtually our entire existence in a sort of stone age , broken only by farming and the clumping together of humans in communities. Rather than living like bipedal animals.

    And after that, we haven't changed much in the last few thousand years. Part of the lightning fast change in the last few hundred years is the rise of the much hatred bourgeois merchant class, and groups like the catholic church backing off on "usury", which only restricted capital being given to entrepreneurs, restricting social mobility.

    If it's any consolation, we were moving much faster and picking up steam, but that's not normal for our history at all.

  • You've layed out a truth that is often overlooked. As terrible as the things are that we see happening in the world today, nearly any period in mankind's past was MUCH worse. People often remark about the good old days in the 1950s and 1960s but I was there. No air-conditioning for the average American. The Korean War and the Vietnam War with FAR more deaths than in Iraq or Afghanistan. Hostile dictatorships throughout central and south America ... right next door! The cold war and the real threat of nuclear holocaust.

    Yeah! Things ain't so bad today!

  • "heavily embraced human rights" I thinks not.......people around the world live in subhuman conditions, are treated like pack animals and killed in scores by military regimes. the world is a dangerous and hostile place for the vast majority of humans on the earth.

  • Indeed, but we are not there yet.

    Once we figure out a way to become responsible earth inhabitants that use our resources wisely and have zero tolerance for violence or suffering worldwide, then we would have made great progress.

    I have no doubt we will get there....

  • man is wicked to the core!..but until we are ready as a species to embrace the Lord and turn away from our sinful natures there's not a lot that can be done!

  • I'm a technology optimist too bro.. but I can also see the dark side of our robot future as well.

  • Except the internet, nothing you mentioned is an advancement

  • The future is so bright, I gotta wear shades.

  • We're not a " species " We're human beings created in the image of almighty God.

    " Humanities future is always bright. "

    It is for those who know Christ. Not for those who don't.

    This world is passing away and headed for destruction. It's not evolving to a heavenly Utopia.

  • Behind the advertisement lies more transgression, that the common populist approach fails to formally recognize.

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