How to tell if your transgender or a cross-dresser?

I'm really confused on my gender, I'm either a gay guy or straight women. First off I'm a pretty feminine guy, I like to wear foundations and a bit of makeup, and I knew I was gay and that ere was nothing wrong with my gender, but then last year I discovered what a transsexual is and I keep thinking I might be one because sometimes I just want to have the long hair, makeup, and get to wear girl apparel. I tried to wear women's clothes twice and I don't know how it felt, it felt sort of different.


  • If you first had to know what a transsexual was before you thought you might be one, then I'd say you likely aren't one. Just like for many gay men or lesbian women, they knew what they were before they knew what it WAS that they were.

    Transsexuality, even before surgery, is the extreme and pervasive thought that you ARE the opposite gender, that you were born into the wrong body. It is not something to be pursued or considered simply because you like long hair or like wearing women's clothes. The permanence of the procedures necessitate an absolute certainty.

    By my best guess, I'd say you aren't transsexual, but rather a transvestite. If you have doubts, consider seeing a psychologist. They will help you to more fully understand your feelings and to ascertain what exactly you are.

  • If you feel that you're a guy, you're male. If you feel that you're really female deep down, you're a girl. Cross-dressers dress up as the opposite sex because it's the opposite sex's clothes. Trans people dress as the opposite sex because it's their gender. They also tend to have dysphoria about their bodies.

  • transexual also has to do with body dysphoria, you need to be thinking about problems with needing breasts and not liking your genitals

    it is not just about dressing, that is just a cross dresser, if you just like dressing you are just gay, which is fine

    if you really are wondering see a gender therapist

    Here is a list of gender therapists to see who can help you get started in working out the issues

  • Do you really wish you were female or do you just like to cross-dress? That's the main difference as far as I know. You could talk to a doctor or a therapist about it if you want to. If you are happy with the way you are, then don't worry about it.

  • if you wanna have a vag and stuff. you're a trans..

    if you just like to look like a woman but keep your sausage .. you're my type .. a cross dresser

    if you just like guys .. then. you're just gay

  • Think really hard as to weather or not you want a vagina and breasts, or if you like your body the way it is.

  • If you like other guys, you're gay. If you don't and just like dressing up like a girl, you're a cross dresser

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