private (novel series)?

what book am i supposed to start with first? private, last christmas (prequel), or privilege (spin-off)?

is this series good?


  • To add on towhat Josie said, I would hold off on reading Last Xmas until you've read like, the first three or so books of Private, just because there are some MAJOR spoilers for the first part of the series revealed in Last Xmas. So if you want to keep the mystery/suspense, don't read Last Xmas until after you've gotten through the first few books fo Private. So I would say read Private first, if you like it, read Privilege, and you can read Last Xmas anytime after you've gotten through the first few Private books.

    Yeah, it's pretty good. Some of Kate Brian's lighter stuff is also pretty fun if you get tired of all the murder and mayhem. I would also say don't read them all in a row, or you will drive yourself insane. It's good, but big doses aren't a good idea. Read two or three books in the series, go read something else, then come back and read the next books. You'll get sick of them kindda fast otherwise. Too much of a good thing, ya know?

  • Oh my god you have to read these!!! They are amazing. Private and Privilege are different series. There are a set of characters in Private. Privilege takes one of those characters and goes to a different part of her life, kind of showing how she got to where she is?? I'm pretty sure it all comes together though. They are both the first in their series but Privilege was started after Private so it has less books in its' series. Last Christmas is part of Private. It is the prequel but it was made after all the others, but kate brian is still making more after it i believe. I started it from the beginning but I'm pretty sure you can read Last Christmas at any time.

    I hope i helped and i really recommend these series but i would start with Private if i were you. There is also a web series on the website::

  • Start in this order:


    Last Christmas



    Last Christmas contains a lot of spoilers for the first few books of the Private series, so at least read the first 3 books before beginning Last Christmas. You could read LC before beginning, but you'd end up wanting to kick the characters for being blind and it would ruin the suspense.

    But read LC before starting Privilege, because they have the same MCs (Main Characters.) Last Christmas explains how the MC got to where she's at, why she did what she did, and goes in depth to her character. So stick to the order I gave you, because that's the best way to get the most out of the series.

    I prefer Privilege to Private, but that's because I find the MC more interesting.

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