How do you know if you're a squirter?

Is it common to be one?


  • You have to let it happen / you know when it does the feel is like nothing else. I think it feel like you need to pee but you know you don't / my husband said it has a different feel and taste than a orgasm.

    Only a few do squirt because they hold back and think they will pee on the bed or couch / Peeing at sex is harder than you think .

  • Until last night, I really thought only a luck few can do it, but my other half finally managed to make me squirt last night for the first time - you need to some online research on what exactly to do, what sensations you need to look for and most of all learn to let it go

    I now believe anyone can do it with the right knowledge (ignore jason julius) and a little perisitance

    edit - to the poster below - female ejaculate is not pee - its scientifically proven to be a completely different substance - and the orgasm it produced last nite was mind blowing..

  • I don't like it at all. Instead of thinking of orgasms and sensations going in, think of pushing all that energy out. I do think its part pee. I really hate the feeling, and its messy,

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