My Baby Shower, email invites?

OK, my sister is hosting a baby shower for me. She is very busy and seems stressed about it and it seems like she is really just throwing it together. I am hormonal with this pregnancy so I may be getting upset over nothing.

But she has thrown together an email and sent it out in leiu of invites. Even some of the email addresses were wrong she used.

Personally, I wouldn't consider emailing invites and would mail them for any shower I was throwing for someone.

If I bring this up to her she will get testy and upset with me, but this is really bothering me. Can I ask to have them mailed?


Thanks to everyone who responded.

Well, I mentioned to it to her nicely and considerately. I said that not everyone has email and that I would like to help make the invites. But if she wanted to send them out by email I could provide her with the correct email addresses. I really couldn't let it go, the address of the location/map was even missing from the email. I mentioned to another family member who was helping out aswell to get their opinion. Both who obviously disagree with me. The whole thing blew up and I look like the ungrateful one. C'est La Vie.


  • Yes, I'd say you can certainly ask to have them mailed. Instead of requesting she do it though, I would volunteer..seems like ol sis is already a stress case! Maybe you can have some friends over and you all can get the invites all done & ready together over some pizza or whatever your crave food of the moment is....try to make it fun! Good luck!

  • I agree with you.. emailing an invite is too impersonal. Here how to get them mailed:

    Tell your sister you are so pleased she is throwing this shower for you that you insist on helping out. Tell her you know it's a hassle to mail out invites, so tell her you would love doing it for her instead. Get the names of the people she wanted to invite, and mail them! If she mentions that people have already been emailed, shrug and say, "Well, it cant hurt to send them a hard copy too!"

  • If I were you I would mail them out from her. No one talks about the invitations and I just think that would be the smart thing to do. That way you don't feel like you are putting your sister out and you can just do that. It is definately the least expensive part of the invitations if you just use the ones in the pre-package packs of 10 or so.

    Good luck and congratulations on your new baby!

  • You don't sent emails for a shower ... you need to send invites. Even if you are "too busy" you get your friends to help out. But honestly if you are too busy to send a few dozen invites then you really need to rethink your life

  • Of course you can ask! However, the last 3 baby shower invites that I received were by e-vite. I guess I am old fashioned but this is the newest fad...

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