is there a particular era or period?

or date line that you prefare to read novels set it ?? i prefare them set in the 1800 to 1905 time


  • Smiley,

    I'm with you. I love to read novels (especially horror works with vampires and werewolves) that take place in the 1700's and 1800's. The modern world simply gets in the way when it comes to these types of characters.

    PJ M

  • It doesn't bother me, as long as they get the feel of the time.

    But I do tend to read things that were written by contemporaries of the character, like Holmes, or Philip Marlowe. Which are being done as a series of plays on BBC wireless 4 on a Saturday afternoon, the Little Sister this coming saturday (15th Oct)

  • No. I don't lke to read era-set novels. I like modern novels. because then I can relate to myself and my problems.

  • No, as long as they're written well and are 'accurate' to their time period (if historical fiction) or realistic (if set in the future), I don't mind.

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