Has Facebook ever made you depressed?

So I'm in a perfectly good mood, and then I get on Facebook, and suddenly, I'm in a bad mood. I'm like sh it: Everybody is better looking than me, smarter than me, more accomplished than me, has a better personality than me, more friends than me, and a better life than me. And now, great, I'm in a bad mood.

Has this ever happened to you? Please share your feelings about this.


  • Yeh, i'm 21 and it happens to me all the time. I'm not bad looking, nor am i dumb. Infact i'm the exact opposite. But people will never accept that, they will always look at me and think, this guys not so good, this guys nothing special, this guys not as good as me. It makes me depressed that people are selfish assholes.

  • Facebook depresses me because it makes me feel sorry for all the people who are constantly on it and have no life (majority of kids (especially girls) at my high school). I guarantee you that kid does NOT have 497 friends, more likely they have less than 100 that are real friends and the rest are random adds or, "hey I saw you once in the hallway so ima add you as a friend and make myself look more popular than I really am". If they do have 200 good friends legit, they aren't close friends with many of them. If a person has less friends they are likely tighter with them becuz those r the people they spend more time with. I only have a facebook cuz I move around a lot and like to keep in touch. That's the other excuse is if they move a lot they may have a lot of friends.

    And those pictures? Well, look at it this way: the pictures they've taken themselves and have as profile pictures are the way they want you to see them as. The pictures their friends/parents tag them in are how they really look, and even then that may not be totally accurate (they could prep b4 the picture lol).

    Not true for everyone on facebook, so don't stereotype facebook users even tho it may be hard. It's just my honest opinion of what I think of most facebook users.

  • yea bro, i get the same thing when i log onto Facebook. this is why i deleted my account and stopped using it, and went outside for the first time in many years, to smell the smog and pollution in the air in which I've never smelt since I was young. But seriously, Facebook is dumb, and unintentionally hurts people.

  • I was depressed but for a completely different reason. I got addicted to playing blackjack, and hated the idea of wasting my time like that but I was hooked. And to make things worse, I lost ALOT of money, thats when I deactivated my account.

  • properly, I even have some buddies who's faking their visual attraction on facebook... they only does not tutor the actual 'em on facebook... this is like; hi, i'm cool ya understand... Fakers!!

  • Facebook is like Highschool all over again. If your still in highschool, well thats a double wammy!

  • o.o well, some times

    maybe it's becuz my friends be posting some sad stuff

    people gotta stop making Facebook a diary -___-

  • yes, when people don't put a like

    at a picture i posted

  • Sure have.

    A remark someone made about me that was wrong.

  • Not in a long time......!!

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