Is Athma & Jeeva are Adam & Eva ?

According Hindu philosophy the life began on this planet by combination of Athma & Jeeva.

Athma is the cosmic energy from the God and which is musculine, whereas Jeeva has been reffered as the lifesource of the earth and treated as feminine.

Every living thing upon this earth is having (Not only humans) these two things.

Now my doubt is that are there any chances that this philosophical truth was personified as Adam & Eva and treated as humans in Christian philosophy?

And besides Human there are millions of species, wilderness on this planet. Regarding their genesis I am going to ask seperate question.


  • I have to admit, sometimes when you're looking at the myths from the ancient past, there are some interesting things that crop up. One has to wonder if there was one deeply ancient myth that gave rise to Adam and Eve and Athma and Jeeva.

  • The Atma (with capital) refers to the Paramatma or Supreme Lord. The Jiva refers to jivaatma or minute living entity. Adam is more similar to the vedic Manu, who is the first man. The Ying Yang duality of masculine and feminine is exemplified by Siva and Shakti.

    However there are many similarites between the Judeochristian and Vedic scriptures. The essential point is to develop Love of God which is the Goal of all religion.

  • A though to ponder upon!!! I do believe in mysticism of Hindu scripts. They have lot yet to be expolred. There are a lot of things in those scripts that are relevant to today's knowledge potential of mankind, infact a lot more than that. Like the 'Brahma Mandalam' concept that explains the working of our solar system, the ayurveda, the vedic methematics, etc.

    The myth of 'Manu' (or maybe that was a reference to a species what we know as 'Manav' or 'Man'), and his lady 'Shatarupa' can be compared to the myth of 'Noah', when the whole world was supposed to be flooded and they along with a few other species, managed to survive in a ship, and a huge fish (supposedly a species of whale) directed them to land.

    All the best...


  • Adam and Eve or Athma and Jeeva are all made up characters of fiction. \

  • it's DNA time. We the people of india so called 5000 years of glorius past is yet to decide whether we were independent before THE BRITISHERS made us their slaves physically and now mentally. It's better to resort to DNA tests only. from where you could get the DNAs ? that's your problem.

  • hello;no adam was formed by God himself out of the dust of the ground,God breathed into his nostirols the breath of life and man became a living soul.then eve,when God saw that it was not good that man should be alone God created all manner of beast and brought them to adam to see what he would call them and whatever adam named them that was the name of them

    thenGod saw that man was still lonely,so God cause a deep sleep to come upon adam,and while adam sleept,God took one of adam's rib's and formed woman,and closed up adam 's adam call her woman because she was taken from out of man.i hope i helped you.

  • Where does the tooth fairy fits in there ?

  • i appreciate you poetry but not philosophy

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