does anybody else ride a Quarter Horse dressage?
I have a palomino Quarter Horse and ride dressage. I really feel left out because in the dressage world Quarter Horse is a dirty word. He has great collection, wonderful gaits and that factor of "look at me" the judges like. So is there any body else out there? If so, please let me know.
My sister has a QH she is doing training level with, and is doing very well.
I know an Appendix (QH/TB) that is doing Grand Prix.
There are a lot of QHs that do dressage in my area, though I don't know them personally. They are all the "modern" QH moreso than the ranch type, which, for the most part, are not built to get dressage movements.
I know what you mean about feeling left out- I have a Gypsy Drum (a draft horse) and have been doing dressage for years. We show first level, regularly getting mid to upper 60s, but still get pointed and laughed at occasionally for being so out of place, showing a draft with thousands of dollar WBs. (BTW, I was able to register my mare as a Gypsy, she is really just a full draft mutt that was tobiano). I know what judges not to show under because they automatically dismiss any horse that isn't a typical breed, and don't look at the gaits to the best of the horse's ability, just the breed. As dressage is becoming more popular, there are more and more uncommon breeds, and I don't get laughed at quite so much, and I even occasionally see other draft horses,but not at first level. I am hoping to move up to second level by spring.
A 10 year old quarter horse is maybe the equivalent of a 20-30 year old human - could a person of this age learn a new discipline? Actually - at 10, the horse is now mature enough to have settled in and be listening - so if he's sound enough for light work, he's certainly physically able to do dressage. I know many, many quarter horses that do dressage. They vary so much in body design, some are difficult to tell they are not a warm-blood breed. A good portion of the typical quarter horses have some amount of Thoroughbred blood in them so tend to be long and lanky like a normal dressage horse may appear. I have 2 TB Paint mare sisters - their TB side is through racing lines and their paint side is through QH racing lines. They ended up tall and built well for Dressage. I've thought about learning myself but I'm not the slightest bit knowledgeable about English riding. It's very likely the horse in question would be a good candidate for dressage. They key lies more in what and how he's been trained and how well he's handled now as to whether he'll succeed at dressage or not and in what amount of time.
Hi I ride my two arabs in dressage and even though i've never owned a QH I have seen a few in the dressage ring over the years, once the horse is good at it the breed isn't important......try and ignore what others say about your QH, a lot of people have misconcieved ideas about certain breeds, I'm always told arabs are hot headed which a lot aren't including mine (there as sweet as can be) even though ones a stallion! Hope this helps good luck!
haha my mom's horse Treasure is a big black n' beautiful QH gelding. I know what ur talking about with the "look at me" factor, he shoulda stayed a stallion, he has that kind of presence. And his collection... WOW! I mean, everytime we ride him, even in Western, he does this trot that's so slow, so collected, and so smooth, it's just amazing. So my mom does dressage with him (I do too he's great!) and he gets all firsts, seconds, and thirds. He's amazing and don't let people judge your horse cause of it's breed.
P.S. Ever seen Moondance Alexander or National Velvet? not very much people want to judge breeds no more after these.
I rode a Paint in dressage when I was younger. She was wonderful. Now I ride an Arabian. People hate Arabians in the dressage world, as well as in the jumping world. But my Arabian is wonderful at Dressage, and she is working on jumping. So just keep riding your Quarter Horse, ignore what other people say, and keep winning!
I've known a QH who was ridden in Dressage- Very well trained mare with a great temperament, but really didn't have the movement or talent to do anything past 3rd level or so, and generally never won at the levels she did compete at. Great beginners/kid's horse though, just the stereotypical QH in the movement department. You're lucky that yours isn't like that- Luckily as long as he can hold his own against the Warmbloods and TBs only a couple people will hold his breed against him, and they probably just don't like you, so they'd hate your horse whatever breed s/he is.
Well I don't, because I don't do dressage. But my cousin is uber into dressage and she has a quarter horse. For going from a western pleasure horse to second level dressage at 16 years of age, he is pretty good. Also, have you ever heard of Lark Ascending?? He is a quarter horse and a grand prix dressage horse! Mari Monda is my cousin's trainer so I have met her and Lark Ascending. Quarter horses used to be shunned, and in some cases still are in dressage, but they are gaining popularity as very versatile horses and some can be very competitive in dressage.
I ride a QH in dressage. He gives QH a shame in dressage..
He is very western moving and well....I cant push him. I am doing first level with him and Im afraid he wont be going past 1st...
All the judges comments are impulsion impulsion impulsion. thats it. otherwise, if he had impulsion man we would be getting 8 and 9s!!
I have been trying SOOO hard to get it out of him but he just cant! and i dont want my little man struggling.
One judge....weird enough...said she loved his movement... i was like....WAIT A SECOND WHAT??? WHAT DID SHE SAY???" haha it was amazing... i like that judge
Quarter Horses are known as the most versatile breed because they can do just about anything. It doesn't matter what breed you have so as long as you are satisfied with the way your horse performs. I compete with my Appendix Quarter Horse (Thoroughbred/Quarter Horse cross) in western speed events, roping, trail class, halter class, dressage, and show jumping. She does wonderful in all of them! So continue what your doing!
I new a QH that did dressage! She looked more elegant than any other horses, and she constantly won first place. Another girl with an Arab came to our stables, and mocked the QH girl cuz she said QH's were for cow girls, and she bet her Arab would win every contest.
She got a big surprise when the QH girl kept beating her!