is criminal contempt a felony?

I have broke an order of protection twice. my ex girlfriend had all ready called the police on me for it once. I have not yet been charged with it, and am still awaiting court for it. then she calls the police again and says i violated it by calling her again and received another ticket for it. I've only violated the order both times by calling and texting her.


  • You could easily spend some time as a "guest of the state" for a second offense criminal contempt charge of violating a protection order.

    Judges have absolutely no patience for people violating court orders, even if calling or texting seems harmless to you.

    You should stop this immediately. Clearly if she is calling the police, you contact attempts are not wanted. Just stop.

  • Criminal Record Search Database :

  • Leave her alone. PERIOD The more times that you appear in front of a judge for the same infraction, the worse it will be for you. Most judges (about 100%) issue orders that they expect to be followed and when they are not.... somebody will pay. In this case, it's you.

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