Do you think God sees everyone as special?

Laetus sorte mea (goodwill be my lot)


  • I think God sees everyone as special.... Christian or not.

    All of us are his children ((Sky Walker))) :))

    Are you speaking Latin? :)

  • Yes, mankind is the most special to God of all His creations, He has never created any other creature in His own image and likeness, we are meant to be His family, His children...

  • God said in his word that all of us are fearfully and wonderfully made, so yes.

    there is no way for any of us mere mortals to understand why God deals with each of us the way he does but he has a master plan and everyone plays a part in it.

  • When God sees a Child of God, He sees His Son! Born-Again believers have put on Christ, therefore are pleasing to God the Father. There are still those who are yet to believe... God knows those who are His.

  • Yes, everyone is equal in Gods eyes. All come from God.. All are manifested from God.. No one is considered special. That ego talking.. listen to God in your heart.

  • Without a doubt.

    I mean think about it. If you do/did have children could you imagine seeing them as anything BUT special? That's how he sees us.

  • god sees the potential in every one

    god does not look on every one as special

  • Yes He does. repeat after me:

    I am somebody

    I am somebody special

    I am somebody special because I am a child of God.

  • That's not funny ^^^ That's disrespectful to the special ed people.....

    And no, obviously not since A....there probably isn't a god....and B..Why are some people living in the dirt?

  • :,) That's beautiful

    I know He does

    It Is Well With My Soul: 4Him...

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