Does Australia have demoracy?

I ask because I read that Australia has mandatory voting and that the goverment bans some movies and tv shows Is this true or is it a demoracy


  • Eeerrr, maybe you might want to check on the censorship in the US before making such brash statements.

  • Australia is a Democracy.

    We have Free and open elections. Same type of Government as England.

    We have local Government where you can vote for the Mayer and town Council.

    We have State Government and a Federal Government.

    YES, Voting is mandatory.

    I don't know of any Movies that have been banned. What would be the point? You can download any move or tv show you want off of the Internet.

  • Yes we have a democracy.

    We have "compulsory" voting. In reality it's more compulsory turning up. You don't actually have to put a vote in (unlike some dicatatorships where voting is compulsory and voting for the dictator is the ONLY way to vote. We can choose...)

    The government doesn't ban stuff personally - movies and TV shows have to be reviewed and given ratings. A snuff movie wouldn't make it through. Other stuff, might get an 18+ rating. Tv shows can be shown at certain times (eg sex after 9pm)

  • Auatralia is a democracy, the government is elected by the people. It is a requirement of citizens to present themselves at a polling booth on election days and have their names crossed off the list. The ballot itself is secret and you vote for whomever you like or no-one at all if that is your choice. It is no imposition to be required to do your civic duty every few years.

    There is some censorship in Australia but mostly it is involved in classifying movies, TV etc. Some things are banned such as child pornography, violent pornography and "snuff" movies but you can buy non-violent pornography not involving children at sex shops and by mail. Banning child pornography does not make any country less of a democracy, if anything it makes it more civilised.

  • Jonathon, yes Australia has mandatory voting, I wish it was introduced back home in Canada, we wouldn't be in the idiotic position we are in now, in one of our provinces.

    Just because voting is mandatory, doesn't mean Australian is any less democratic.. At least they can't really whine on who gets elected.

    So where you are, you do not have the office of the censor? I find that hard to believe. We have an office of the Censor, in Canada, there is also in the United States, England. Would you believe, that there are European countries that have Offices of the Censor.

    I would rather the Censorship Board, than the language police.

  • The essence of a Democracy is that the government , elected by the people it serves , makes decisions that benefit the people.

    If you are referring to censorship , yes we have a system where things that are considered to be offensive or unedifying are blocked from general public view or at the least , rated so that responsible adults can make a considered judgment before viewing ...

    In my opinion , they often take the easy way out & don't ban enough !

  • USA bans some movies and tv shows.

  • Yes it does

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