Does HCG shot cause temp rise?

Hi there, i got my LH surge yesterday morning on my CBFM (clear blue fertility monitor) so i took my HCG shot yesterday afternoon (as prescribed-PCOS) we BD an hour before the shot, 2 hrs later i was really crampy and bloated. This morning i got another peak but my temp was also elevated from 98.26 to 98.69! i'm confused as to whether i already ovulated yesterday pm or not (12 hrs after natural LH surge), or has the HCG shot elevated my temp as well as my CBFM reading! Any advice/stories greatly appreciated 4th month charting/ttc and it's not getting any easier!!


  • I had a look at some charts on fertility friend for you where the woman had a hcg shot and it does look like in most cases there was a temp rise the day after the shot. This often conincided with ovulation, but sometimes ovulation wasn't until a day or so later.

    I'm not sure how it would affect your CBFM. Why not give clearblue a call and ask them? They are usually pretty helpful. But I think that a hcg shot might mess up your reading. This is because hcg is very similar to LH so the monitor might be thinking that you are still surging LH when actually it's hcg.

    Hope that helps a bit!

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