math problem recipricols!!!?

what is the recipricol of 10 and 0.4 and n over m and 2x over 3!!!????


  • Any whole number can be made into a fraction by merely placing this whole number over a ONE.

    7 is the same as 7 / 1

    12 = 12 / 1

    Any decimal can be made into a fraction (if it is rational)

    0.7 = 7/10

    The reciprocal is just the fraction flipped upside down.

    The reciprocal of 7/1 is 1/7

    The reciprocal of 12/1 is 1/12

    The reciprocal can be found by flipping, or by placing it as the denominator of a fraction having a numerator of ONE.

    reciprocal of 7/1 = 1/ 7 / 1 this is called a compound fraction and it aint perty! . It is saying "one divided by the fraction seven over one"

    When you divide two fractions you just flip the second fraction, the divisor upside down and multiply instead. You learned this in grade 6.

    1/1 divided by 7/1 equals 1/1 times 1/7

    which equals our reciprocal,


    The reciprocal of 10 is 1/10

    the reciprocal of .4 = reciprocal of 2/5 = 5/2

    reciprocal of n / m = m / n

    The reciprocal of 2x/3 = 3/2x

    In conclusion, if you have a fraction and want to find its reciprocal, just flip it upside down.

    If you have a decimal number like 3.269

    get your calculator out and do the following:

    key [1] key [divide] key [3.269] key [enter]

    The reciprocal is one over the number you want reciprocated!

  • I will just define what a reciprocal is. It is "1 over a number" in very simple terms.

    If your number is 10, the reciprocal is 1/10.

    If your number is 0.4, the reciprocal is 1/0.4 and if you want to simplify it, you have 10/4 or 5/2.

    NOW, if your number is in a fraction form, simply INVERT the fraction and you will have the reciprocal.

    For example, if your fraction is in the form on "n/m" then simply invert it to "m/n" to get the reciprocal.

    If your function is "2x/3" then (again) just invert it and you will have "3/2x".

    I hope I have explained the concept of reciprocals clearly.

  • Recipricols are just a flip of the numerator and denominator in a fraction. If a number is written all by itself, you can imagine that number as the numerator with a 1 in the denominator.

  • 1/10, 5/2, m/n, 3/2x.

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