Photoshop black,white, color photo?

i dont have photoshop.

i have a black and white picture.

& i want just my shirts and necklace to be colorful.

anyone that has photoshop.....could i send you the picture so you could make it all black & white except for my shirts and necklace? that would be so cool((:


  • Hey,

    I could but, it needs to be the other way around, i cant make a black and white photo colourful, unless its a plain colour, not the oringenal colours. the photo needs to be taken in colour, then it can be done.

  • Gimp is a widely respected alternative to paying alot for Photoshop. It's not as feature packed, but it's powerful editing software. It's free and legal to download:


    Easy and free, Just sign up:)

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