My mom is a PETA nutjob?
My mom is a diehard PETA member and everyone knows that PETA members are crazy. If she catches me eating meat, I get grounded or worse (like last year, she made me quit my sports team because I ate a hamburger). I'm really sick of it. I'm hungry and tired all the time on crappy salads and soy milk. What can I do to stop her?
jeez. thats really harsh. tell her how you feel. tell her that being a vegetarian/vegan was her choice and she needs to respect that your choice is to eat meat. she shouldnt be able to control what you eat. just make a deal with her. tell her you wont eat meat around her or in the house, as long as she respects your decision of eating meat.then before getting home from school eat a filling meal/dinner. that way when you get home and have to eat salads, you wont feel as hungry afterwards. then during weekends try hanging out with friends and go to the mall and eat at food courts, or hope that they feed you food at their house so you dont have to eat vegetarian food at your house. haha. as for meals in your house, vegetarian burgers arent bad. they are actually very filling. eat them with potatoes. theres also mashed potatoes, and pasta (the ones that come in the box so you can prepare them) you cant avoid eating at your house for long. so might as well learn of good filling meals. that taste good (i know it sucks that you wont have meat at the house, but its better than nothing. besides. take baby steps. maybe after a while of her accepting you eating meat, she will gradually become comfortable with you eating meat around her.)
im a vegetarian, but im not into preaching vegetarianism. in my house im the only vegetarian. and while i dont tell them to stop eating animals, they tease me to no end about me not eating meat.
i think we all should get to choose what we want to eat.
Wow. I always thought those PETA over the top stories were people just making fun of PETA members. I cannot believe you got in trouble and had to even quit a sports team because of something you ate. That is absolutely absurd. Your poor mother is really taking this belief of hers too far. Gosh, this must be really hard for you.
You can either lie to her about what you eat or select a more healthy way of eating so you are not so tired and hungry. There is more to being a vegetarian than just eating salad and soy. You can get energy and protein from peanut butter and other nuts and whole grain breads and cereals. Go on-line and google "high protein foods" to help you with your diet.
I could never imagine holding back a specific food or preventing my child from playing in sports because of my controlling views. The only thing I never allowed my children to taste was lobster because I did not want to afford it for them. They learned about shrimp, swordfish and salmon at an early age so we lied to them and said lobsters were just big bugs. Ha Ha.
You will never be able to change her die hard PETA views because, sorry to say, your mom has been brainwashed. Sad, but true. As you say "nut jobs" who try and control other peoples views are so far off base that they cannot even possibly take a moment to see that their belief is consuming them.
All I can say is you may just have to grin and bear it. I am so sorry for you. If you lived down the street I would kidnap you once a week for a steak dinner or my famous bacon and egg with cheese english muffin breakfast sandwich.
You seem to be a legitimately concerned Grandma but there are boundaries in which you cannot cross, both in a personal or legal stand point. I understand that you do not agree with your daughter-in-laws methods but unless he is neglected or physically or mentally abused, let it be. He is after all their son. Vegans do have a lot more options these days as far as food selection and maybe you can talk to them about perhaps offering more food and/or a super supplemental vitamin (if not others), a Flintstones vitamin won't cut it in this case. Just try your best to steer clear of the legal/ CPS route cause although you think you are helping your grandson could end up in foster care and I'm sure neither one of you want that.
That sounds tough! poor you! I would suggest telling her how you feel as in "Mom, I don't mean to upset you but I like eating meat. I don't 100% agree with all of your views." try that.
ugh i hate peta
im actually a vegetarian too. just tell her that it is her choice to be a vegetarian or vegan and your choice is to eat meat. you have right to your own body and what goes into it. if you want to eat meat you can.
and i agree, PETA and PETA members take it too far
Tell her:
"I like eating meat. I respect what you believe in, but I want to eat meat."
Try eating fumunda
Ouch, this really sucks.
All I can think of is keep eating it behind her back, and try to cover your tracks better.
tell herstraight to her face "i do not agree with you nutjob views and if you can accept it i guess you dont love me"
that would get to her haha
Your mom is absolutely correct... check out WWW.FACTORYFARMING.COM for what she's trying to teach you & WWW.GOVEG.COM for the health issues... You can also check out WWW.VEGETARIANBODYBUILDER.COM.