Do shy girls ever text first?
I talk to this one girl alot in one of the classes and shes been hinting me a few signs. I texted her before and she would respond but she will never text me back first. Was she just being nice or does she just not want to show that she likes me?
Two possibilities... 1. She doesn't like you and is just trying to softly reject you.
or 2. She likes you, but she doesn't think that you like her....
Try to search up some signs that she's interested and some that she's not. I really think that you'll be able to feel it in your heart if she's interested or not
Good luck!
I'm lovely damn shy and as a safety of making certain he needs to speak to me, I invariably let the fellow come to me first. The way in which that you could inform if she desires to talk to you is that if she keeps the conversation going and asks you questions. If she replies again to you with simple statements comparable to "haha," "lol," "cool" that rather is not just right
but if she seems into you and converses with you and such, I say you are with the intention to potentially having a lady friend 
Girls love to be texted first! I do anyways... However, my suggestion to you would be to end your texting conversation one day with "text me tomorrow". This way she won't feel awkward or shy texting you first. Best of luck to you!
With our hearts in our mouths and adrenaline rushing through our feeble bodies, yes, we can text first.
It's just a bit stressful if we like you~!