PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! serious problem!!!!!!?

At school there is this girl. she is my rival. I hate her alot. my mum and her mum are pretty good friends so her mum told my mum to do a favour. to babysit her daughter(who is my rival!!!!!) and she is coming to my house for as long as her mum finishes work. my mum agreed and I was like, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... fxcking hell, why?? why?? why me!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!! This is my worst nightmare!!!!!! She doesn't like me at all. and I don't because she once excluded me that made me angry, ditched me when I was her friend a long time ago, been really aggressive and spread bad rumours about me. she is such a *****. My mum says to be friends with her and talk to her, and i was like, what the hell?? mum???!!! I am always really friendly to guests who come at my house but why will I be to her???!!!! She is my worst enemy. If I don't co-operate with her and ignore her, my family is going to think I am rude, selfish, not responsible to my actions. HELP ME! what can I do???!!!!


  • listen honey i think ur having a serious problem and here is what u need to do in my opnion because my parents were in the habbit of putting me through the same **** like u hon. i think u need to talk to ur mother, one on one

    tell her that u are seeking her help and her love, and that what she's doing is hurting you mentally and stressing you out.

    tell her all that this girl did to you and make sure she knows that u respect the house that u live in and you love her and thats why ur talking to her because u confide in her

    tell her that there is no problem with u baby sitting any body else and that you might even do some extra work around the house to compensate ur mother

    tell her that you owe her a favor and that you know that she won't let you down.

    if this goes bad and you still have to be with that little ******

    avoid communicating with her, and keep to urself, seperate ur self in a good way by working on ur computer working out, or just listening to ur i pod or so

    you get my idea

    good luck

  • This is a serious problem!

    Sounds like you already talked to your mum about it to no avail. But if you haven't talked to her yet, do it A.S.A.P.! Stay clam about it. Be VERY reasonable, giving specific reasons for why you feel this way. Tell her EXACTLY what the other girl has done. Do not exaggerate.

    If you have already tried talking to her, write it to her in a letter! A letter will be less personal and emotional and may get across to your mum why you dislike this girl. Remember, in your letter, be clam and VERY reasonable. Give specific reasons and state EXACTLY what the other girl has done. Do not exaggerate.

    If the letter doesn't work, you will have to find a teacher or a clergyman or some other adult you can tell your story to and have them talk to your mom.

  • This sounds like two little kids on the playground, how in the world do you expect to be treated with respect, and listen to when your childish behaviour is in to DRAMA.Insecurity and in maturity or child like behaviour will never get you any where, The adult thing is go along with your mothers plans and be the adult, and you will be amazed at the reaction you get, your ex friend will wonder what hit her and then maybe she will start to respect and admire you and all will be OK

  • do u have something that might record everyvoice around it because that way u can act nice and if she is being bad to u can get her into trouble ;)

  • Talk to your mom and ask her to respect your feelings. Give it sometime, for all you know, you may find your feelings now , ridiculous. Bet.

  • If it was me, I'd camp out in my bedroom and lock the door while she was there.

  • Just tell you mom you have homework and hide in your room...

  • tell youre mother how you feel

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