How do I type a descent objective?

I'm typing my resume and am having a mind block. I need some help


  • The real question is whether you even need an objective. When I teach job hunting, I tell my students that an objective that's too broad is a waste of space.

    For example, "I would like a challenging position that uses my skills." Well who doesn't! This is simply a given.

    But something like "Looking for part-time employment." or "Seeking employment in Customer Service." are perfectly OK. Why? Because the part-time one tells the employer that you're not looking for full-time work so I won't throw that your way. And the customer service one tells me you don't want a sales job, so I won't give you anything except customer service.

    But if you're wide open as to the kind of work you're seeking, then I would suggest leaving it off. If you're called for something that you don't particularily like, then you can pass on it.

  • I always leave the objective blank and fill it in for each position I apply for. Each one should have a specific objective created to get that specific job. The objective can take the key points direct from the job posting and address how your skills can, from a very high level, fulfill their needs.

    Good luck.

  • Be sure to use the spell check when you type your resume because they are not impressed with misspellings. It's decent, by the way, not descent.

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