how can you pass a swab test?

If you have a job interview and they ask "can we drug test you" by swabbing your mouth.


  • Stay clean before it.

    The range of time to stay clean depends on amount and frequency of use, metabolic rate, body mass, age, overall health, and urine pH. For ease of use, the detection times of metabolites have been incorporated into each parent drug. For example, heroin and cocaine can only be detected for a few hours after use, but their metabolites can be detected for several days in urine. In this type of situation, we will report the (longer) detection times of the metabolites.

    •Oral fluid or saliva testing results for the most part mimic that of blood. The only exception is THC. Oral fluid will likely detect THC from ingestion up to a maximum period of 18-24 hours

    the longest detection time story i have ever heard that was true detected use 1 week and 1 day ago, and that was from someone who would smoke 3-4 joints a day. dont worry about mouthwash, sour candy, brushing, etc... you will be fine, i promise.

  • Weed stays in ur system for around 30 days....There's this tea that sells in Duane Reed for around $20 bucks...Good luck n stop smoking that poison.

  • Stay away from drugs for at least :

    24 to 48 hours (72 hours is the best) for weed

  • Chew on some evergreen tree bristle's . Works every time just taste like crap or put a drop of bleach on tong or brush with bleach water . Not sure if that works or not just told that.

  • By not doing drugs.

  • by not doing drugs. thats a start.

    answer mine:;_ylt=AkQ3j...

  • you cant pass it unless your not on any drugs

  • Uh don't do drugs. You can't fake it.

  • hmmm kick that person

  • peroxide

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