True Or False?

I know it's been a while but here...True or False?

If you answered any of my previouse true or falses...tell me please? And thankyou!

True or False?

God had no begining...and will never have a end?

If all of you have the same answer...I will choose the one that is most described and understandable...again, if you answered my previouse ones...Put 1: before you type...Thankyou!


  • False. Hindus clearly believe that some gods are children of other gods. And most Hindus choose only to worship 1 god/goddess. Making that god they choose God (because they only worship 1. And God is any SINGLE god that is worshiped by himself. Now if you worship the Abrahamic God and several other gods. The abrahamic God would be refered to as "god" not "God" because there are now many gods worshiped).

  • True, but...

    The beginning has everything to do with this universe, and although Jesus existed as Jehovah when he created the universe he was born within the universe. also the alpha and omega reference has been misunderstood by nearly all scholars. Omega comes from an old vowel form in Ancient Hebrew of the letter vav which at least in some cases meant "universal", while alpha 'a' means particular. Jesus was saying I am the particular and the universal. This is extremely important and one of the mysteries of both Christianity and Philosophy. In the book entitled "Enduring Issues in Philosophy" the subject "universals and particulars" is given major treatment.

  • I have'nt come across any of your previous questions, so this will be my first.

    Ok, Yes, your statement is True, God is the Eternal God-head!

    He tells us in Revelation Chapter 22:13--

    'I am Al'pha and O'me-ga, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.'

    Meaning - He always has been, and always will be!

    God bless!!

  • Did God have a beginning?

    Apparently not.

    Will He have an end?

    Apparently not.

    1 Timothy 1:17 refers to Him as 'eternal'.

    That's forever onward and backward.

  • True.

    God had no begining and will never have an end; God, unlike humans is not subject to the same laws we are, such as time or space.

    God IS.

  • Your Answer.....! The Eternally Self Existent ONE!

    (Exo 3:14) And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.


    (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

    Thanks, RR

  • God had no begining...and will never have a end? TRUE, according to my own personal definition of God.

  • very true There is only one God and He is eternal,that means without beginning or end.

  • true,in the beginning was god, he said i am the beginning and the end.

  • True - God is from everlasting to everlasting. That would indicate that He has no beginning nor end.

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