Why do Libs think Obama's DREAM Act will pass?

Did a little bird tell them this?

We got a House Majority by 34 votes. Not a single GOP House Member voted for it last time.

Only eight Republicans voted for it; 160 voted against. In the Senate, it could not garner the 60 votes needed to overcome a Republican filibuster and died 55-41 on Dec. 18, 2010, largely along party lines.


Facts and precedent are not on your side Libs


  • I agree it is questionable but look at it this way. The Latino vote is huge and it has been going to the Democrats. To such an extent that in 2016, the Latino vote could make Texas a swing state. If the republicans want even a chance to be reelected, they have to change their platform to attract the Latino vote, including supporting the Dream act. As an additional note, your buddy, George W Bush supported an amnesty program which means it's possibility of passing is not out of the question. z

  • By tying the dream act to border control and pointing out, again, that the dream act will bring the type of people we want into the economic system....people who are college educated or fighting for this country, resulting in a larger tax base and saving this country more money.

  • unhappy for the little ones, yeah. yet that is more advantageous undesirable information for the Republican get jointly. The Dream Act became presented by technique of Dick Durbin and Orrin Hatch. The latter, as you already know, is a fashionable Republican. The obstructionists will further divide the get jointly.

  • Why do I feel as if the Dream Act is going to end up being another Patriot Act or National Defense Authorization Act?

  • The Democrats are the party that kisses the Latinos ***.

  • it will probably get passed. the gop needs the hispanic vote.

  • But it's a moot point! Let's face it, you can call it whatever you want but doesn't have to pass anything. We already have it in a way.

  • it's for the children, it always gets good press coverage, it's time for a new amnesty anchor plan(1987), they can anchor/sponsor dozens of relatives, it helps to destroy the U.S.

  • it will pass because the GOP establishment needs votas Latinas for the next eleccion presidencial.

    de nada.

  • tort reform.

    Seriously, that's my answer to every question now. And why shouldn't it be, as all questions about it are blocked. Seriously, just try.

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