A quote please...?

Can someone give me a quote about, like if you need a hug, that "special person" won't give you one, but if you don't need a hug, that's when they give you a hug... please... and thanks ^-^


  • "Need a hug"

    "A hug is the perfect gift--one size fits all, and nobody minds if you exchange it"

    (((Hugs))). Now go hug somebody else.

    "Hug Department: Always Open "

    "I don't discriminate - I'm an equal-opportunity hugger. "

  • "it's like holding water in ur hand,the more tightly u hold onto it,the faster it seeps away from ur hand."

    water in hand: a hug

    more tightly u hold onto it: wanting a hug

    faster it seeps away from ur hand: but, u don't get a hug

  • my quote.......i give u (and only u) permission 2 use it..

    "a world without friendship is like the sky without the sun"

  • "idle hands spend time at the genitals and you know how much god hates that"

  • "I need a huggle!"

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