Am I ready to compete?

Hi, I'm wondering if I am ready to do a few riding competitions. I can walk, trot,canter and jump.

Maybe I can do small competitions? I dont know.

My instructor taught me really well, but I dont know if I am actually ready.

So, ya, do you think I wold be able to enter?


  • What really matters is whether you can handle your horse safely in a crowded arena at a show.

    As far as the classes themselves: If there is demand for it, show management will run classes for newer riders. These classes might have names like "Beginner rider - walk, trot" or "Beginner rider - walk, trot, canter".

    It's good business for shows to encourage newer riders!

    Ask your trainer. A lot will depend on where you live, and how far you are willing to travel for a show.

    Be sure to go to some shows as a spectator (or groom for a friend). You'll learn a lot about what's expected of you.

    Good luck, and have fun!

  • That's not much detail to go on at all! What is your instructor's opinion? How high do you jump? Are you confident in the seat? Got (at least) your 2-point good? Seated correctly (hands calm and steady, eyes at where you're wanting to go, heels down-toes up, etc)? Good tack for a show? Is your horse ready for a comp? There's so much to be answered here. It's like you're asking what level rider you are. AND most importantly, if You don't feel ready, you Don't need to be entering a show.

  • do away with Hogan Bischoff and Russo then perhaps TNA ought to compete. All Hogna has carried out has been enable TNA replace right into a place for his cronies to get paychecks ie Bubba the affection Spongue The Nasty Boys. Russo can no longer write a great storyline so he rehashes old WCW memories. If Dixie have been clever while she took TNA over she could have fired Russo some time past and employed Hogan and Bischoff. Dixie would desire to have only stored what made TNA distinctive with the X branch the six sided ring and the extreme fliying AJ types extremely than this rehash of types as Ric flair. they might desire to have signed Brian Danielson from ROH extremely of letting him bypass to WWE. and that they might desire to no longer have wasted their time with adult males like Kevin Nash who's only too dumb to understand that he sucks.

  • We don't know you, we have never seen you ride. If your instructor thinks your ready then you are ready. However if you don't think your ready then tell this to your instructor. We can't tell you if your ready or not.

  • there are shows for riders of all levels. talk to your coach about entering in some local shows next season, your coach will be able to help you sign up and prepare for it. your coach might even take you to some shows (for a separate fee of course).

    good luck :)

  • This is about the same catagory as "what level rider am I".

    We can't tell you that kid. You're gonna have to ask your instructor that.

  • Sure, you can compete at unofficial and/or introductory levels.

  • What are you a horse?

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