How does Obama's agenda differ from the Communist Party USA agenda?

Until we win enough support to change the system, communists call for radical reforms under capitalism. We call for nationalization of the banks, railroads, and industries like steel and auto. Everyone who wants to work should be guaranteed a job or get unemployment payments until she/he can find a job. We say put the unemployed to work at union wages on massive public works programs to rebuild our cities, provide affordable housing for the homeless, build mass transit, and clean up the environment!


  • The Democrat agenda differs from the Communist Party USA agenda ONLY in that trivially different language is used to describe the SAME program demands.

    hi0 is "pretty sure" about what she hasn't looked into AT ALL, is EASILY PROVED wrong and is therefore CERTAINLY a Democrat. She wonders how we can tell, too.

  • IF that party wants to run a candidate they should however we are american democrats and we are going to make republicans stay honest and kick our Gamers out of Congress however the american voters choose the parties they want it may well be that they become the third party who knows? HOWEVER that's not happening yet but Lots of young/older are being driven left by GOP folly/ intransigence.... same on republican side.. government T Baggies go right...But most voters are centrists so Government .BY the people shall prevail tyrants will fail... Democracy is what we demand BUSH was forced on the Voters admit it if you force change then accept it...we did now move over you are blocking the road with excess badger...if you really want what you say curtail the side show and stop being HYPOCRITES...

  • There is no similarity. Communism requires collective ownership of all of the means of production. President Obama has never advocated any such thing.

    As far as the examples that you point out, many capitalists who have absolutely nothing but disdain for communists also support most of those proposals.

    One current problem with President Obama’s agenda is that he is too centrist. He and his advisors are apparently bending to the will of the financial industry and not pushing hard enough for much-needed reforms.

  • We have not nationalized anything--we have a stake in a company in which the taxpayers paid billions to bail out--and we are mostly out of banks as that was temporary. The railroads were nationalizeed a long time ago, although like the post office it is a private corporation--otherwise we wouldn't have railroads. Public works are way overdue and affect our global competitiveness--you want bridges falling down? Not every one gets UI, if you haven't noticed, only have half of those out of work get the benefits. Apparently you want Dust Bowl conditions, when families literally starved? I could go on but apparently it's useless to provide facts to someone who doesn't know socialism from communism, and a hybrid system from socialism. Have a good day.

  • at the beginning that's the Democratic social gathering, not "Democrat social gathering", a utilization that caught on in accordance with Republican leaders pandering to illiterates as component of their electoral base

  • Almost all of it is different.

    Obama has ruled in much the same way as presidents have in the past. We live in a capitalist system with limited government oversight which is necessary to prevent collapses such as the one we just(and continue to) experienced. This is the way it is and this is the way it will always be(unless there's some unthinkable rebellion or natural disaster in which case we'd probably go to the right and not the left)

  • first of all it quite is the Democratic occasion, not "Democrat occasion", a utilization that caught on in step with Republican leaders pandering to illiterates as area of their electoral base

  • He has not once supported creating a classless society.

    How does his agenda differ from a left-leaning mixed-market economy? It doesn't because that's what he supports.

  • You sound smart, this is a step toward total dictatorship. God help us.

  • Two can play that does the Republican agenda differ from the KKK's?

    TRADITIONAL VALUES: The liberal government and its media encourage our young children to behave like primitive savages. Homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuals, sado-masochism, and every other type of vile perversion is applauded by the scum that control our country. The American Knights demand a return to sanity. We call for a restoration of Christian values to all walks of life.

    CRIME: America is the most violent nation on the face of the earth. Major cities like New York, Chicago, Miami, Atlanta and Philadelphia have been all but over run by hordes of savage criminals. The liberal government papers these subhuman and attempts to disarm law-abiding citizens. The American Knights demand that our cities be liberated from these barbarians. We shall remove the killers and rapists from our streets and execute those that deserve it.

    ABORTION: Thousands of innocent children are slaughtered each day at Baby killing centers all over the country. The government has made abortion a convenient form of birth control. The American Knights will outlaw this barbaric, satanic practice and punish the sadistic doctors who are guilty of these crimes against humanity.

    GUN CONTROL: The so-called gun control bills enacted by the government are nothing but anti-self defense laws designed to disarm law abiding White citizens. The Klan will completely restore the right of all law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.

    THE MEDIA: All three of our television networks are controlled by jews. Most of our daily newspapers, magazines and book publishing companies are owned by jew tycoons. The Klan will smash this jewish monopoly of our mass media. We will restore the right of free speech and open debate of political issues.

    EDUCATION: America's public schools, colleges and universities have been turned into political indoctrination centers run by deprived liberals, communist and jews in our public. WHITE teachers and students are raped and robbed by ******* and other savages on a daily basis. The Klan will remove the criminals from the classrooms and put them behind bars where they belong. Forced bussing will be outlawed. Prayer will be returned to our schools. All teachers who continue to promote anti-American doctrine will be removed and replaced by decent American patriots.

    HOMOSEXUALITY: The Klan will take away all the special rights and privileges granted to homosexuals by the liberal dictatorship over the last few years. Homosexuals will no longer be permitted to adopt children or marry each other. Gay bars, gay nightclubs, and gay bathhouses will be shut down.

    IMMIGRATION: Millions of Third World bandits enter our country illegally every year. The Republicans and Democrats do nothing to halt this massive invasion. America is being transformed into a new Mexico. The American Knights call for an end to this madness. We shall halt all immigration from non-White nations and use the U.S. Army to restore integrity to our borders.

    THE ***** PROBLEM: The Klan is strongly opposed to the insane policies that discriminate against White people in favor of unqualified and lazy *******. We shall abolish affirmative action and minority quota systems. All unqualified blacks will be removed from positions of power and influence in our government. The Klan will launch a massive campaign to liberate our cities from the black gangs that presently terrorize them.

    THE ECONOMY: Jewish bankers and shylocks control the American economy with an iron hand. The American Knights will remove these users from power and restore a Constitutional money system. Taxes will be lowered, the corrupt Federal system will be smashed, and the foreign buying up of our nation will be halted. The Klan will place trained economist in charge of our economy and punish the jew tycoons who have brought America to the brink of financial disaster.

    FOREIGN POLICY: The Klan favors a strong foreign policy that closely guards American interests around the world. The Klan will encourage all other White nations to throw off the yoke of zionist/liberal occupation. All aid to worthless third World nations like Israel will be cut off. The foreign policy of the Klan led United States will be: AMERICA FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS!

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