Do you think my ex is psyco?

This is what my ex has done.. As I was sleeping she managed to get in my apartment , sat on my computer chair and watched me sleep while my current girlfriend was sleeping next to me. This was like 3 am.. Is this ***** psyco?


Mainly worried about the safety of my current girlfriend.


  • dude

    total stalker psycho b***h from hell!!!

    watch out

    red flag

    this means trouble dude

    and i mean lots of trouble

    i know firsthand take it seriously and put a total stop to it before it's too late

  • or just extremely jealous, did you cheat on her? what was the circumstance, if you did wrong to her, then no, she should probably continue to be a burden in your life until she thinks you have learned your lesson, however, if you did nothing wrong and you mutually broke up and not for another girl, then yes, she is crazy and get a restaining order or new locks. but more than likely you deserve a psychotic ***** in your life for maybe past **** you have done, karma is a *****! remember that!

  • YOU ARE IN DANGER. she is sending a clear message that she doesnt intend to go anywhere and she's showing you just how far she will go. this is just the beginning.if you dont do something quickly; far worse circumstances are sure to follow. a restraining order only works in which the perpetrator is afraid of being jailed. this does not seem to be the case. but it would still be a good idea to get one. im thinking you may need to relocate to another city. i know it sounds drastic but sometimes it got to be done.

  • Did you call the police this is how people are murdered in there sleep, and it becomes an unsolved mystery, and the answer to your question YES!!! Real Psychotic!

  • ummm yeah if ur smart ull get a restraining order and make sure ur house is in lockdown when u got to sleep for all u know she could be plotting to kill u

  • Yeah that's really disturbing. You need to be serious and tell her how inappropriate that is. That's the type of thing that police get involved with. Not right.

  • i believe that after breakups its normal for girls to get a little "stalkerish"..such as whats he been up to, who is he dating, and so forth...breaking and entering to watch you sleep next to the new girlfriend is a little odd not gonna lie...i would imagine that being hurtful to watch u with ur new girl anyway....

  • uh, i don't know about that one. i think she does have some issues though. if it gets worse then you have to put your foot down and get some kind of restraining order against her. i mean come on, who does that?

  • Hell yeah! Please be really, she maybe capable of a fatal attraction. I would take out an order of protection. She is nuts!

  • Yeah,

    I'd be afaid. What did the current girl do? Maybe you can fenangle a threesome ; - )

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