scrambled paragraphs?

Directions: Below are five sentences that form a paragraph. The sentences are listed in random order. Choose the order for these five sentences that will create a well-organized, grammatically correct paragraph.

____. Q. One answer that might be that our aptitude for music is related to our aptitude for language, but music is not just language in another form.

____. R. When one composer suffered difficulty in communicating after he had a stroke on the left side of his brain (the side associated with language) ,he was still able to write beautiful compositions.

____. S. On the other hand, when another composer experienced damage to the right side of his brain, he was still able to speak well, but lost much of his interest in music.

____. T. This would seem to hint that there is actually and area in the human brain that is responsible for out musicality.

____. U. Why do most people throughout the world, people of every religion and culture, play and enjoy music?


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