natural hazard vs natural disaster?

can u guys plz explain the difference between a natural hazard and a natural disaster?


name and describe the 3 types of plate boundaries.

sorry guys just need it for my homework not sure about my answer just need some opinions.

plz answer unique.

thank you! :)


  • A natural hazard could happen. A natural disaster has happened.

  • The simplest answer I can give you is this – Sometimes great forces are necessary to keep our planet in balance. We live on a fragile crust atop shifting plats atop a ball of fire. The constant interactions of the atmosphere and oceans sustain life but when there is conflicting conditions, storms happen. We call these natural forces of our planet disasters when they interfere with our lives and cause death and destruction. But the more people populate the planet, the better the chances that a natural event will cause trouble. This past winter terrible tornadoes slammed Florida causing death and destruction. Now if this exact same system had come through 20 years ago, it probably would not have caused any more damage than perhaps destroying a few fences on a farm. Why? This area has become heavily populated within the past 20 years including some mobile home retirement parks so large they are almost towns in themselves. As the human population continues its general sprawl across every habitable mile of this planet, we must expect more and more natural events to interfere with human activity thus becoming disasters. Have you ever been to a beach and built a sand castle? Eventually a wave will roll in and wash it away. We have built a lot of very expensive sand castles along many of the world’s beaches. Tsunamis and hurricanes cause really big waves.

  • tectonic,

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