My iPad's battery percentage goes down FAST. No seriously. FAAAST.?

I charge it overnight. It's 100 in the morning and then at like ten its at 80. In the afternoon, 50. Night, 17. Can I just use my iPad without having it die through out the day! I don't even use it much!


  • I have an ipad and ipod to. They both have that problem. What you do is you send it to some repair guy. And for 100 dollars you can get the battery raplaced.

  • It might have a bad battery. Usually the reason why a battery doesn't hold it's charge is because it was charged many times, or the battery has just gone bad. I recommend replacing the battery. But, then again, I don't know if you CAN change the battery in an iPad, cause I don't have one. But if you can, and you can figure out what kinda battery it takes, all I can really say is replace it. It'll hold it's charge longer. I had to do that with my phone.

  • Because Ipads suck.

  • turn of wifi and bluetooth.... kills all the apppz

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