Why is every first episode of a series named "Pilot"?

Every time I look at a series on netflix the first episode is almost always named "Pilot". is there a reason for this?


  • Definition of pilot:

    A television program produced as a prototype of a series being considered for adoption by a network.


  • The captain of a boat is also called a "pilot".

    If they've never navigated a part of a river they are testing the waters. In this case testing the waters to see if anyone likes the show or not.

    In case you're confused about why a captain would not be familiar about a particular spot in the river,

    Unlike a car driver license, boat captains didn't always navigate an entire river. They only knew parts (or sections) of a river. They received licenses only for the parts they were familiar with.

  • Pilot is just TV jargon for the first in a series. It's "taking off," so to speak. There may be a neat little story associated with it, but that's what I gather it to mean, in general.

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