A healthful mature ram (extremely if he's Welsh like me), could make one hundred ewes pregnant in a season, which lasts approximately six weeks. The humorous factor i found out throughout the time of gaining knowledge of this question, is how do they understand what proportion ewes (some are prettier than others) does he could s h a g to get this many pregnant. the respond is they use a ram harness, that is soaked in colored dyes, then they circulate around and count quantity what proportion sheep have have been given colored bums.
Former 'Ram' is a noun and the latter one is Verb !! There has to be a difference in their actions !!! What you say ? You will accept the fact if "Feeling is believing !" is not your life time belief !!! Ha Ha Ha ...Intelligently thought and presented !!!
Sick mind.......
A healthful mature ram (extremely if he's Welsh like me), could make one hundred ewes pregnant in a season, which lasts approximately six weeks. The humorous factor i found out throughout the time of gaining knowledge of this question, is how do they understand what proportion ewes (some are prettier than others) does he could s h a g to get this many pregnant. the respond is they use a ram harness, that is soaked in colored dyes, then they circulate around and count quantity what proportion sheep have have been given colored bums.
Former 'Ram' is a noun and the latter one is Verb !! There has to be a difference in their actions !!! What you say ? You will accept the fact if "Feeling is believing !" is not your life time belief !!! Ha Ha Ha ...Intelligently thought and presented !!!
Hmmm, makes one wonder!!!