Why do Americans prefer government to personal responsibility?

I believe it was Ben Franklin who said that those who willingly give up a little bit of freedom for a little bit of security will deserve neither and lose both.

Why do we shirk responsibility for ourselves. Doesn't our reliance on government make us nothing more than children dependent on a parent? I'm not saying there aren't times when people need help, but our system should not be set up to assume that we cannot take care of ourselves and to assume that the government knows better than we do what is good for us.

As an individual, I find government's overreaching "protection" insulting, degrading, and unacceptable.


  • Simple answer to your question. Today we have a large segment of our society who do not want to compete for the prize! You name the prize, it can be a new home, a nice car, yearly vacations, jewelry, an education, you name it, many American don't want to compete for these prizes because if they do, they may have to get off their rear end and work for those things that many of us do.

    The things I have I worked for and the things I don't have that I may want, I know I'll have to earn. In our entitlement society, there are many of all races and in all economic segments who feel that instead of working for success, the government should hand success to them. Unfortunately, there are many in government who feel the way to continue their personal power is to provide these things to lazy Americans.

  • whilst confronted with that question, Boehner defined that he on no account pronounced all of the charges may be open, in straightforward terms a number of them. (That replaced into an exceptionally extraordinary clarification.) even though it is beside the point. Pelosi made the comparable promise. maximum new audio equipment make comparable claims. Then the time includes govern and that they discover them impractical. no one who pays interest actual believed him. as nicely, he does not have the votes interior the Senate to even get them to evaluate it and clearly the President might veto this sort of repeal besides. in the event that they tried to defund it, they might discover themselves with a dropping political conflict (no one needs an entitlement, as quickly as given, to be taken away) and with the regulation on the books, the investment may be restored later (in the event that they attain reducing it before everything) without the will for the great debate we had the 1st time around. long-term, Obama won the wellbeing-care combat. there is so plenty extra to do, this reform does not bypass practically a techniques sufficient (and that i think of given the congress he replaced into working with, he might have accomplished plenty extra appropriate), yet he made an significant step interior the sumptuous direction that strikes the ball on the argument down the line.

  • Because the modern world demands it.

    However insulting you might find it, if you're not extremely connected with the pharmaceutical industry, you probably didn't know there was anything wrong with Vioxx before the government brought it up, and demanded that their company stop marketing it.

    Even if you think people 'ought to know better,' the vast majority of people wouldn't know how to find the calorie count of a cheeseburger (and know for certain that what they're eating isn't making them obese) without government-mandated FDA nutrition evaluations.

    Benjamin Franklin is a particularly poignant person to bring up with regard to this issue, as he was something of a Renaissance man - he dabbled in everything, and there wasn't much of his world that he didn't know something about. In the modern world, that's frankly impossible - you can spend 20 years getting up to speed with modern particle physics, but you're not likely to know enough about nutrition to be able to make smart decisions without the government's help.

    We live in a world that is so complex and so advanced that we have to rely on an organized system of accountability between experts to make sure we're not being screwed. Your ability to find that insulting or degrading is highly dependent on the fact that you haven't been killed yet by a badly-researched medicine, because there are government controls making it very difficult for companies to release harmful products on unsuspecting consumers.

  • Some Americans about 40 %.

    the rest of us still believe in crazy things like personal responsibility.

    working for a living and providing for ourselves.

  • Because liberals are a lazy bunch

  • Because the government has been telling them this.

  • Why do Americans prefer fighting each other instead of coming together?

  • because to those sorry a** types, it absolves them of personal responsibility( only in their mind)

  • Americans don't, liberals do.

  • It is Federal....!

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