how do you remove pimples quickly!!?
i have started to go through puberty so i have started to get pimples.but its not like big huge pimples there like small reddish ones,they are really red so they are noticeable.but i guess you still see them if they were not red cause they are still quite big. so please help!!!!!!
Lemon juice has properties that make it smoother and healthier skin. What you can do is squeeze the lemon juice and apply it to your scar. Then leave for 15 minutes then rinse. To do this, every day and every time you want for a quick result. also i suggest to rub 100% olive oil into the scar 4 times a day. After 2 weeks of this, you realize that acne scars have probably disappeared.
When I was a little girl growing up I got pimples big time, but there is really nothing you can do about it because your body is changing and growing. Pimples are caused by oil glands in the skin. Always make sure you clean your skin with some pimple face washes. You just gotta let it take it's time.
Good Luck
Use an ice cube its the perfect natural solution without scaring your face. also if you want to attack the acne use lemon and put it on your face it should work
Clearasil was my solution. Good luck