Why do people hate Adidas?

They aren't that bad


  • Because everyone likes to wear the sneakers that are the most expensive and get the most attention like Nike. Addidas sneakers not only look better, but are just as comfortable and durable.

  • Nobody hates adidas it's the fact that nobody buys them ,and they don't have any spectacular representatives like Jordan & Nike & Under Armour. Plus in my opinion the design is kinda lame....

    Nike: Kobe Bryant, LeBron

    Jordan: Cp3, Melo, Derek Jeter

    UnderArmour: Brandon Jennings, Cam Newton

    Adidas: D-Rose, Dwight Howard

  • Adidas are just as cheap as jordan and nike. I'm a sneakerhead and admit I don't wear adidas nothing wrong with them but they make my feet look huge. I wear some adidas apparel just not the shoes.

    Also nikes and jordans are all hype...it's what gets people these days, its why people don't generally wear adidas.

  • LOL thats why Kobe switch to Nike shoes instead of Adidas.

  • Well, most people will try to make the argument that there's only so much they can do with the logo(three stripes). Although when you think about it what can you do with a swoosh? The most you can do is turn it backwards & they've already done that soooooo.

  • There cheap quality compared to Nike. I rather have Kobes, Lebrons, and Durant over D Roses any day because there quality is ****

  • Because it sucks no one really were those only rose and howard and they also get hurt alot

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