Why do guys always address girls by "girl" ?

like , when a guy is talking to a girl n is explaining something to her, he will be like "look girl, blah blah blah", or when a guy sees a girl doin something remarkable or is complimenting her, he will be like "u go, girl..." or "nice blah blah, girl". Seriously, whats up with that? lol cuz it seems most guys like to say that when interacting with girls their ages, while girls dont say 'guy' when addressing them . So why is that? haha :)


  • When guys use "girl" for a girl, it would sound dear.

    But a girl will sound like a mum if she address her guy friend as "boy".

    Sure you don't want to be your friend's mum, right?

  • I don't really personally know anyone who does that. But, if I were you I'd be all like.. "Girl? Who you calling a girl here? Do I look like a make up munching hair ironing little sissy to ya? Ya...? Then get THIS." Then just kick his nuts into his vagina and walk off.

  • i'm the hardship maker no longer quickly yet what i did to make my husband fall in love with me grow to be be spontaneous and loopy constantly doing loopy stuff on no account being to lots of a woman or whining or complaining and that i gave him lots of interest and made life exciting for him the undertaking with some females are they act too solid to do what men do to dangle out drink lots from time to time or be exciting

  • Why do guys always address girls by "girl" ?

  • It might just be where You live or the people You hang out with. Trust me, not every guy talks like that. i prefer to call people by their names

  • Do girls like dating/impressing older guys?

  • Its derogatory, and low class.

    Call people by their name,

    and make a good habit of it.

    Its a stupid way of playing one ups-manship.

    and teach others to do the same.

  • maybe its his way of making sure he never says the wrong name if he dates multiple chicks

  • Why are my husbands feet cracking open?

  • they use that term, or they even call them females...its just a style, personally i prefer to use their name,, thats what its for.

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