NBA Conspiracy essay?

Alot of this was off emotion,so i know it's not even close to my best. just read and analyze, thanks

Blowing the Whistle

The National Basketball Association has overcame odds such as Bankrupcy, reformations, media

disputes, ratial inbalances , and age requirements , but it's never overcame conspiracy theories. If the NBA is commited to a fair and balanced league, it sure has some very “questionable” ways of showing it. The NBA is avoiding the issue that games have been comprimised and distorted and it goes against all the values the NBA was built on. The National Basketball Association should look into the issue that referees and executives comprimised games, because it's a game of passion, pride, heart and determination and teams do not spend millions of dollars and years of building, all for not, because of a corrupt league.

There is an immense difference between atrocious refereeing in a game, and a game that was pre-determined and to say that NBA referees conspired against certain teams. However, if you look at the stage thats set for refs and executives, it's not so far fetched. They say you can always put a price on something, and throw down a few million, and those stripes on the back of their shirts, start to looNk like a teams jersey. Additionally, executives of the NBA would definetly like to have a more enjoyable series, who wouldn't? However, if you conspire against teams based on the fact that their not as popular or not as marketable, is not only unfair, but it's illegal, and they should be brought to justice.

The 2002 NBA Western Conference Finals. One of the most memorable series in playoff history. It was the Two Peat NBA champion, big market, Shaq-Kobe powerhouse, the Los Angeles Lakers versus the Small market, youthful, up and coming, 12 man determined, Sacramento Kings. The games went back and forth, it was an electrifying series with plays like Robert Horry's game winner in Game 4, and Mike Bibby's dagger in Game 5. Fittingly the series ended in overtime in Game 7 as the Lakers won, and ended up becoming the 3 peat champions of the NBA. However in between all that was a Game 6 that still today is disputed, and is also merited as the Worsed refereed game in NBA History, and has left people literally sick to their stomach after that game. The Lakers shot 27 fourth quarter free throws. In the closing seconds, Kobe Bryant elbowed Mike Bibby in the nose and resulted in Bibby's nose to bleed. The foul was called on Mike Bibby. So Mike Bibby's nose fouled Kobe Bryant's elbow? Interesting. The NBA screwed the Sacramento Kings.

As a Sacramento Kings fan it is very frustrating to be constantly reminded of the fact that the Kings had an excellent chance to beat the Nets in the Finals, and therefore become NBA Champions. Who knows what would happen in the coming years? If you look at the facts, the Lakers shot 27 Free throws in the fourth quarter, 27. It's like watching your kid playing a high school basketball game, and them never having a chance to win. It hurts. 8 Years have passed, and yes they say Referees have bad games, but this is indesputable evidence that the NBA conspired against the Sacramento Kings because it would be beneficial to have a Game 7. “My dream Finals matchup? The Lakers vs. The Lakers.” A direct quote from NBA commissioner David Stern .

“We never had a chance to win.” “ It was the worse officiated game I've ever seen, and I wrote that in the Washington Post.” “It proves everything I suspected.” Those, just a few quotes from random people involved around the 2002 Playoff scene. It's universal . Action must be takin against the NBA and the referees involved in this scandal. If not, the NBA will fall, like the XFL. If it looked bad on TV, imagine how it felt to be appart of the game. What people fail to realize, is that their players, but their human beings first. The thought of the game being actually compromised because they wanted a bigger and more marketable team in the Finals. It's sad, and it's irresponsable.

In conclusion, the NBA has not takin anysteps to a independent investigation upon the Refs. It's sad to see that the sport that was built on very strong values, is even being questioned that it is a league of corrupt officials and executives. However it is a top 2 sport in the world, it may never escape the dark shadow, that the NBA is indeed, a conspiracy.


**** you ******, yeah it was 8 years ago, but it doesnt erase the fact that the nba screwed the kings. and the rockets in 05.


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