True or false?

Is this statement true or false:

Whenever you notice egg white cervical mucus then you are ovulating.. if you didn't see it untill later than your midcycle then you must be ovulating late

Thanks for ur answers


btw if u find it false please state the reason


  • false, you may not ovulate until a day or two after you see the egg white. just have sex everyday once you see it.

  • Hi, I believe that you can ovulate anytime in your cycle. Especially if you came off the pill. Sometimes you don´t even know you are ovulating. My friend got pregnant next day after she finnished her period. I think normally healthy women ovulate in mid cycle, but if you were on the pill, it´s all over the place for some time. But I think the mucus you are talking about is quite significant to be the one when you are ovulating. Also check your cervix. If it is soft like your lip, you are ovulating. If it is as hard as the tip of your nose, you are not ovulating. Hope this helps, try and buy Ovulation test just to confirm it. Good luck

  • false- ewcm can show up during the luteal phase of your cycle. However it is the second best indictator of ovulation after BBT. So paying attention to it is important. Also some woman experience ewcm and still don't ovulate. To know if you do BBT must be done along with checking CM,

  • what you may be seeing in the later part of the cycle is the luethal phase, you get another discharge but it isn't stringy, this is the hormone progesterone that is called the luethinizing hormone that is preparing the uterine wall to be receptive to the fertilized egg, if no fertilized egg come then the progesterone halts production and the lining sloughs off and then your period starts. but if an egg is fertilized then the progesterone continues to produce and nourishes the egg for safe implanting.

  • That's false

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