Is it normal to pee 10-15 times a day?

I drink about 4 or 5 glasses of water every day. I need to pee ALL THE TIME. I can't remember not needing to. I'm 23, female, not sexually active.


Thanks for the answers. I'm worried now, I thought people were going to say it's normal and different people have different frequencies.

M U - What exactly do you mean by 'examined' by a professional? Why would I need to be examined?

I don't have any genetic background of diabetes, no one in my family has it. And I don't get a 'burning sensation' or anything, I just need to pee a lot.



  • No, that's not normal, honey. It is definitely something you should tell your doctor about, because it can be the symptom of several different things. One of these is a UTI (urinary tract infection) that needs to be treated. Another is diabetes, which of course you need to get help for. I don't want to alarm you, because it could be something very minor as well, but you should not fool around with this.

    BTW, do not trust any "diagnoses" you get here. The people on Yahoo Answers cannot examine you, and you need to be examined by a professional. Everyone on Yahoo Answers is a stranger, and from what I've seen, some of them are *really* strange. lol!

    So make an appointment with your doctor and get this checked out. Good luck, and I hope this helps.

  • It could mean so many different things. If you have burning when peeing it could be an infection of the bladder or kidneys. This is also a sign of having diabetes and maybe having thyroid problems so best to get to a doctor and get it checked. Your young and they can help in getting you straightened out. Good Luck! P.S. Keep drinking the water it is very good for all these different things!!

  • You should only be going 3-4 times. You may need to ask a doctor about that. Frequent urination can be a sign of bladder problems, kidney failure, or diabetes.

  • properly, do you drink distinctive water, and do you piss sparkling? in case you do not then you definately might extra useful bypass get this appeared at i think of they have some form of drug to restoration bladder problems and such

  • Not normal...that's not even a lot of water

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