Is Obama a economic ignoramus or is he a cunning criminal?

If you look historically at politicians a lot of them admit in personal letters released after death they want a nanny state and people to be helpless. Such examples are Churchill and Otto Von Bismark. They knew what they were doing in creating welfare states.

Is Obama just a economic ignoramus or is he acting with criminal intent?


  • A criminal. He's not very cunning though. He didn't fool me and a lot of others.

  • The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer

    Washington, D.C.: Center for Economic and Policy Research. ISBN 1-4116-9395-7.

    Economist Dean Baker

  • Obama is just a pure politician. He panders to specific groups to get their vote. If he already has your vote he does nothing for you, that's why the African Americans are doing so poorly economically.

  • He has no idea what he is doing. High IQ but almost zero common sense.

  • Which exact stentence of his state of the union address did you get this idea from?

  • He is trying to fool us all but some of us are wise enough to see it.

  • No, he is a genius whose intention is to help you and the rest of us out, you ingrate!

  • Only time will tell.

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