How many times do you brush your teeth a day?

I brush my teeth 3 times a day for 12 minutes, that's 36 minutes of brushing my teeth everyday... is this too much? Or bad for my teeth? (I have braces) How long do you brush your teeth for and how many times? (survey for school)



  • I brush my teeth twice a day, although it is better to do it 3 times. The amount of time you brush your teeth for is amazing, and i wish i would have the time to be able to brush my teeth thoroughly like you do. Dont stop brushing them. x

  • 1 or 2

  • Hello. I brush 3 times a day ( after each meal ). And i floss in the morning and night. Flossing is more important, because brushing can't get all the stuff way up at the gum line, that gets stuck between your teeth. So even if you brush your teeth 10 times a day, you could still develop problems. Flossing each day is a MUST.

  • 3 times a day for 2 mins.especially after meals.this way there is no food left sticking to the braces or teeth.

  • 2 times a day for about 2-3 minutes.

  • I brush my teeth before school, after school and before i go to bed. Usually only for about 5 minutes in the morning and 10-15 minutes after school and before i go to bed. I have braces too.

  • That's too much!

    3 times a day for 2 minutes should be OK, and that's more than most people do.

    I do twice a day for 2 min - but one of those is using a Philips Sonicare.

  • 2-3 times a day depending on what i have eaten that day. for around 2minutes each time as i don't want to brush off the natural enamel on my teeth.

  • you should be brushing your teeth only twice a day and that to for 3 mins. only not more of that because toothpaste contains fluorine and a lot of intake of fluorine can cause dental flourises.

  • I am was everyday at morning before breakfast and evening with should be brushing it and wash my hand with hand cream before go to bedtime

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