How do you kill a computer?


I have a Dell Inspiron laptop that is verry slow. As technology and games are constantly improving and require more powerful computers, my laptop is lagging behind.

My parents have told me that I can have a new computer when mine stops working.

I need a way to kill my computer without leaving evidence. Have you got any good suggestions??

I can only think of opening heavy duty programs and covering the ventilation holes causing it to overheat and crash. I continuously repeat this process whenever I can. I want this to lead to the components getting damaged making the PC useless.

Would overheating like this really work? Please say if you know any good ways in which to kill your PC! =)

Thank youu


BTW, I cannot get an XBOX or PS3, even if i bought it with my own money. My parents are quite strict and don't like games consoles =/ That's why i want a good PC to play games on =)


  • delete system 32 or use a strong electromagnet to the hard drive while its on that works or take the HD out if your parents dont know **** about computers

  • I do computer repair and tuneup. I see a lot of people with their computer problems. It is no trouble at all for a lot of people to kill their computers. I never worry about how to kill a computer I just worry about getting life back in them. If you are serious I guess you could delete a bunch of important files and programs and stop it from working. Then just hope your parents don't find out what you did, if they do might never get another computer.

  • I know that you want a new PC, but I think you should re think this. Your parents bought you that computer in the first place. I think you need to wait until they give you a new one. Destroying your computer won't get you anywhere. I'm really sorry. I know that that's probably not what you wanted to hear...but that's what I think


  • Install Linux. You won't need a new computer. Get an Xbox for games.

  • A stake to the heart usually does the trick.

  • Large building... edge of said building... wait for a person on the sidewalk below, and PUSH!!!

  • Just download many, many viruses until the computer cannot function anymore.

    That's what I did to MY old, crappy computer.

  • get a virus!!! fastest/easiest way to kill a computer.

  • golf club. works everytime

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